Wolverine Creek Super D Festival
What is it?
This event is a multiday festival that surrounds an awesome, primarily downhill, true grass roots, 8ish mile race. The race showcases the famous Wolverine Creek trail with its amazing, fast, and scenic downhill to the Snake River. The SRMBC sets up the stage for the ultimate in outdoor, family-friendly, and (insert attention grabbing buzz word here) activities and couples it with the beautiful, classic Idaho scenery of the Kelly Canyon area. Activities include bonfires, keeping dogs out of the cow sh**, cookouts, occasionally forgetting to put trash in bear rated trash cans, camping, maybe a hangover or two if we are slacking, live music, and a club favorite (pause for effect) mountain karaoke.
History (No, this won't be on the test)
The Super D Fest has been officially and masterfully crafted and executed for 10 years. It started with some likeminded people who wanted to put on race that was a perfect balance of fun and competition. They wanted the competitive nature of other nearby races but without the overly serious vibe that can prevent people from having as much fun as possible. Then like a fresh cow patty hitting trail, the Super D festival was created and has continued to be on the back sides, pivot points, and in random pockets of the local mountain biking community. Originally, the racetrack was to be the famous Space Cruz, but because of complications with the “THE MAN” (governing entities over those trails) the starting point had to be changed. Located deep in the Canyon of Kelly, on the left, is where this field of debauchery takes place and has continued to grow. Surviving even the great pandemic of Covid-19, the festival continues even to this year in bringing smiles, good people, and good vibes to any and all cool enough to participate in the Wolverine Creek Super D Festival.
The Race
The race itself is a mix of 8 ish miles of glorious downhill, and a teensy bit of heart attack climbing. The race starts in the Shredquarters with a leman style 50 yard mad dash to assumably your own bike to a bit of dirt road (Kelly Canyon Road #218) to the Hawley’s Gulch. You will turn off to Lookout Mountain then to the Cold Springs before getting on Wolverine-Hawley Gulch. Finally, you get onto Wolverine Creek ‘til you either stop or roll into the Snake River (10 out of 10 would not recommend to a friend).
At this point you can get a shuttle ride back the Shredquarters from one of the many shuttle drivers where you can chill, change, and maybe clean yourself before the awards ceremony happens after the crazy dude who raced on a rigid frame fatbike pulling two kids on a trailer finally finishes the race. The race portion of the festival is officially over.

See What Others Have Said!
To The Entire SRMBC,
I just wanted to write and thank the entire S.R.M.B.C crew, the race organizers, the volunteers, and everyone else that was at the Wolverine Creek Super D, for putting on an amazing race!
That was the second race that I have ever participated in, in my mountain bike career. Needless to say it has set the bar for all the races I attend in the future. Not only was the course incredibly fun to ride, but it was incredible to meet a group of people that were so passionate about mountain biking, along with being so welcoming to a couple of outsiders.
I was extremely impressed at how well the race was organized being that this is it's innagural year. I was also impressed by the overall caliber of rider, and trail!
I just want to thank you all again for putting on such a wonderful event, and for being so welcoming to a couple of guys who just showed up for the day. If every mountain bike club is like yours, this sport has an amzing future in front of it!
Looking forward to next year, and we'll make sure to bring some more racers!
Iain Massucci - Bozeman, MT